Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Movement III - Hanging Out By My Casket

Moves are painful. The last one (S.C. 2002) was the most excruciating. With every move, however, I become wealthier and deeper. As my car moves quickly through life I realize that two things last forever, people and God's will (Matt. 24:35). In my review mirror: New Jersey, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Ohio, along with a cast of incredible characters I would never have known had God not moved me on.

In Bob Logan's book, Coaching 101, Bob talks about an important lesson he learned from his father. Bob's father told him success was to find out what God wants you to do, and do it!

When I am dead, and you guys are hanging out by my casket talking about how good I look, I hope for only one really nice thing to be said about me. What God said, what God did, and what God wanted was Dino's obsession. Over a lifetime that will include some chipped teeth, embedded concrete, a stabbed hand or maybe two, a few blenders, and even worse. But it will also include knowing when to move, like Paul, like Jesus. Moving and investing in the right people and places.

Not included: trying to impress you guys by being a hero. Don't get me wrong, I love Gatorade baths. I want to be a hero. But if that's what drives me then my lack of influence is all but guaranteed. One voice, one passion, one audience, and do it! Nuff said. Learning from Leaders starts tomorrow.

Meeting with the Church Multiplication Group in Columbia yesterday. I love those people. So focused. Much passion. Much hope. I think about the unusual way all of them ended up in the same room. No smart guy pushing the buttons. The God of the Universe making the calls. Things work so much better that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My man, my man! I have found you through Jay Hardwick. Such a small world... can you email me the BEST way to personally get a hold of you....need to catch up and share some stuff!
