Monday, September 10, 2007

Learning from Leaders III - The Crazies

My journey of watching leaders lead went to a new level in 1998. After 12 years as a pastor, with all of the good and bad, I got a chance take a step back. I have been out now for 9 years.

Someone told me that my first 18 months of not being a pastor would be a time of incredible learning. The day-to-day intensity of pastoral leadership in the local church is insane. Did you ever play organized football? I compare it to an eternal football game. No rest, lots of hits and hurts, a few touchdowns. No timeouts. No off season. No real days off. In the middle of all that you are supposed to learn, grow, and be current.

From the sidelines it became easier to see. Who was winning at this thing called leadership? The most courageous. Crazy courage. Sometimes the courage was so much that it seemed reckless and inconsiderate. Others counted the cost of their right decisions . . . and counted . . . and counted more. Did the crazies make mistakes? Yes. Absolutely. But they got things done for God on a higher level. Were the crazies misunderstood? All the time. Criticised. Kicked in the teeth. And much more.

Joshua said:

Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).
Hybels said:

Behind the scenes of every prevailing ministry I discovered courageous, servant oriented leaders . . . The local church is the hope of the world and its futurerests primarily in the hands of its leaders (Courageous Leadership).
Next step? Different for all of us. The best leaders are bungee jumpers. They are nuts. Joshua, Hybels, and others. I've over-analyzed and jumped. Jumping hurts more, but is more fun and has greater Kingdom payoff. Be careful. Make sure the cord is tied to you and the other end. Jump!

Greenville today. Glen Smith, New Church Initiatives, tonight and tomorrow. Movement makers for days ahead! Calgary Wednesday this week.

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