Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Energizer Bunny has a Battery

The Leadership Secrets of the Energizer Bunny could keep going . . . and going . . . and going. There are plenty more places to go and people to see. Friday is a good place to wrap up. BTW if Maxwell was right when he said, leadership is influence, then EB is the man, uh, er . . . maybe EB is the bunny! Right?

I try not to assume faith in Christ on TOL. I don't want drop in readers to think they are crashing a private party. It is good practice not to assume faith in the people that cross my path. I am not sure how good I am at it but I am better than I used to be.

All that to say that the last leadership secret from the Energizer Bunny is a faith secret. Leaders without faith in Christ still lead and lead quite effectively. Let's be honest here. Don't forget, however, the good to great principle. What or who can take you to the next level?

Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are as ships without wind. We are useless.

Charles Spurgeon (British preacher from 1800's) made the previous statement. EB's secret is his battery. He has power that is beyond him. He can run faster, focus better, and accomplish more because of the gift of power. He did not deserve it, did not even know it existed, and probably did not think he needed until someone gave it to him. In fact, would it be safe to say, EB's battery defines him?

Once you claim you are a leader and a Christ follower you raise your own bar. People expect more. You are saying, 'my leadership will be distinct, my choices will be informed and empowered by God Himself, and my values will driven by an eternal perspective'.

For EB, it is all about the battery. His secret is, there is no secret. What is it all about for you?

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