Sunday, August 26, 2007

Why I Wear Hats

If a man's secret thoughts were written on his forehead he would never remove his hat. Writing has never been so fun for me. My latest web log will never make me famous. I think you have to be famous first, then your web log makes you famous - er when you say controversial stuff. Out loud thoughts have made me look for God in everyday life. I find Him more now. Thanks for reading.

As I ponder this current wave of sports star scandals . . . Barry Bonds, Michael Vick, Tim Donaghy (NBA ref) . . . I am amazed at the self-righteousness that oozes out of us. Human growth hormone, dogs, and meaningless sporting events (unless you gamble on them) become prominent, while we Pharisees neglect weightier matters.

Things make me mad too, and I do watch, attend, and listen to meaningless sporting events. At the place of my "righteous indignation" however, lies my own life of inconsistencies. I am an expert other people's sins. I wax eloquent about why they are evil often not self-aware enough to see an incredibly large log, sticking out of my eye.

If a man's secret thoughts were written on his forehead, he would never remove his hat. That statement will stay on my mind for a while. Every time I wear one of my favorite hats(we bald guys really do love those things), I will feel uncomfortable. What if my secret thoughts were written on my massive forehead? I will pull my hat down as tight as possible. I will thank God that the One who knows me best loves me most. I will give people space for grace and out for logs close to my face.

In Columbia today. Catch up week. Preached at WRC yesterday . . . first in a new series "Coached by Jesus." I will give you some bits and pieces this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blogs Dino. What a blessing! I knew it was in you, glad you are getting it out for us.
The other D.