Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Amazing, Incredible Sarah

Anna's friend, Sarah, rode to Carolina Springs Middle School the morning of the broken leg and day of the sliced hand (8/23). When she talked, she sounded just like her mother. Not a bad thing at all. Not unheard as kids grow up. But Sarah had a unusual case.

Articulation, rhythm, and even thought processes all sounded like mom. I was startled as I listened. The similarities were uncanny at least. Amazing was another word I was thinking. I expected to look in the review mirror and realize I was the victim of a joke (not unlikely if you know daddy Cockrell).

The issue began years ago - more than 11 -- DNA and environment were key factors. At first Sarah heard a faint, far away voice. Upon birth it became more distinct. As Sarah grew the voice and person of Karissa, her mother, became even more influential and comprehensible. Without noticing Sarah evolved into this incredible likeness of Karissa. Hours upon hours. Days upon days. Time together, talking, listening, growing, learning.

You thinking what I am thinking? I have been next to God now since before my second birth . . . over 40 years ago. I wonder. . . I hope. . . Has anyone ever had to look in the review mirror as I rode in their back seat, because of this uncanny, amazing, you know, the articulation, rhythm, and even thought processes . . .

Coaching day today in Columbia. Spent quality time with movement makers yesterday. Movement makers are Kingdom leaders who think beyond themselves. They create environments where God works biggest and best.

Hub Blankenship, Eddie Cox, Steve Davis, Phillip Lee, Richard Swift, Ronny Byrd, Marshall Fagg, and Jim Austin were all around the table wrestling with tough issues. Honored to be at the table. Glad they were there too.

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