Monday, October 1, 2007

Bag Recycled

John Wooden (as cited in Reveal: Where are you?) had a sign in his office at UCLA that stated, When you're through learning, you're through.

So, I recycled by reading bag this weekend. I am at work hoping to learn from the following fun titles:

Playing for Pizza (Grisham)
My third Grisham (Bleachers, Skipping Christmas) -- about a pro quarterback trying to make a comeback through the Italian NFL playing for the Parma Panthers (real team btw, I am thinking about taking them on).

Ten Eternal Questions (Sallis)
Not a Christian book, but a great idea for a sermon series. Easy read. Zoe Sallis interviews a group of famous people from Jack Nicholson to Bono asking them questions such as: What is your concept of God? Do you believe in an afterlife? If not a sermon series, a lot of quote material.

Experiencing Prayer (Blackaby & Blackaby, son of Henry, I think)
Another Blackaby devotional book (those guys are busy). At this critical time in history, we don't need simply 'more prayer' from God's people; we need specifically the kind of praying exemplified in the life of Christ. Sounds like Blackaby. I thought we just needed to pray more!

Reveal (Hawkins & Parkinson)
Willow Creek writes an expose' of themselves! Must read for those passionate about making disciples. Extensive research began in 2004 from those who attend Willow Creek Church. Results were profound. The implications could revolutionize the way you think about church and the apparent results we are getting (or not).

Great weekend that included my second viewing of the movie, Underdog, with my daughter Anna; a visit to Tropicana Cafe (my favorite cheap place); Books-A-Million; final primer coat and first finish coat on the Ugly Door; yard work; preaching and lunch at Northpointe, Greenville (Tommy Vandiver); a little football (love watching the Irish lose); family group at Subway.

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