Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pagan's Nightmare Final - From Tn.

Tolstoy was quoted by Bob Roberts in Transformation: Everyone thinks of changing humanity, no one thinks of changing himself. Change is a common subject when I Think Out Loud. Every time something changes in me, I turn a page. But I am often overwhelmed by the list on the next page. Almost like football season. I celebrate the victories (for some of my teams they are precious and few) and realize there are other hills coming.

Final comments on Pagan's Nightmare . . . the subculture of the "redeemed" needs changing. BTW, there should be a subculture. Our lives, values, passions, and interests should be in processed of being transformed if we are Christ followers. No matter how cool, hip, and relevant we become, if we are real we will be different. But . . . are we being conformed to the image of Christ, or are we having our bodies and minds immersed in the shallow end of Christian subculture?

The bad part of Christian subculture is reading off of scripts that other people hand me, without experiencing a corresponding change of heart. Wearing a t-shirt (remember, Christian T's are not necessarily evil), speaking the language, or impressing my Christian peers does not mean I am being changed. Only a change of heart will catch the attention of those far away from God.

The unanswered question is left up to the reader in PN. Who were those people in the t-shirts like 'Enforcer of the Movement' and 'Religious Howdy' written on them? Who were those people who had 'Repent of Bingo' bumper stickers on their cars? My compelling question is, did those people even know who they were? Ah yes, right back to self-awareness. Uncomfortable, so very uncomfortable. My obsession to change the world, my neighbors included, must begin with letting God continually change me.

Good times yesterday in Tennessee. Great conversations, mind in neutral. No word from Blackston. I will keep trying.

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