Thursday, November 22, 2007

Once A Man Gets What He Wants . . .

We try hard to pray 30 seconds longer over the food. We work to find things that cause us to throw out a few thank yous. Most of the time it is really forced and phony. Why? Intuitively we know we are blessed people. We are not very comfortable or familiar with saying thank you.

One day a year is really not a solution. I read a quote last year from William Barclay that really influenced me. He was commenting on the ten lepers story and the one who turned back to say thank you. Barclay said, Once a man gets what he wants he seldom comes back and says thank you. I was bothered and inspired. If you were around me I talked about it, constantly.

I spent the year looking for ways to say thank you to the Lord and other people. I bought cards and put them in my desk. I bought candy bars from my children and gave them away. I used them to say thank you.

Did I do all I should have? Shut up. Of course not. Did I do more than the year before? Much more. And I was blessed. So I want to go higher next year. One day for me is phony and forced. I want to give credit where credit is due all year long. The more I practice, the better I will be at it. Before you know it, being thankful and saying sincere thank yous will be part of who I am. How about you? Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for thinking with me.

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