Friday, November 7, 2008

30 Days - The Afterlife

Feel good experiences might be on the list if we had a short time left. I seriously doubt the "feel goods" would be on the top. The most important question I posed in the series at WRC was, "If I am going to die in 30 days, where will I be on day 31?" If you believe in the Afterlife, where are you going to spend it? How do you know? Can you know? How about your friends and family?

Ernest from The Ridge said it well:

" . . . everyone talks about taking trips or going some where they have not been 'that seems selfish.' If I only had 30 days to live the top of my list would be to make sure my family and friends knew JESUS and when they died they were going to heaven so I could see them. The only other thing I would do is be with my family and let them know how much I love them and that I would see them soon."

Regardless of what you believe about life after death, there is no way you can argue. The question is important for someone who has 30 days to live. What did Jesus say? What does the Bible teach? So, where do the conversations need to start? Let's talk about it.

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