Monday, September 8, 2008

Last Word (Preparing for Change)

I used several props as I attempted to communicate the message of God yesterday. Because of time (the weekly issue for me, a stageoholic) I did not put the strongest hammer down in coherent fashion. I used numerous items needed for me to complete a long outdoor run. Shoes, gel, water, flashing light, and a medical ID were just a few of them. Collecting the right items, thus, preparation for the run, took time and research.

Change is hard but we approach it like it is a piece of cake. I roll out of bed each Monday with a long list of actions that will make me a better dad, husband, health nut, disciple, church planter strategist, friend, brother, son . . .

What I ignore is that significant change is not as simple as throwing a few new products in my grocery cart. Permanent change requires a complete overhaul of my personal system that created a habit, hang-up, or short-coming. Time, research, advice, support, etc., are all a part of the process.

Paul (the old apostle) spoke of life as a marathon run in progress. He explained how his value system was turned upside down since he met Christ. Although the first steps of his change was dramatic and fast, the second phase took a lifetime.

So, altogether now, what needs changing most in you today? Don't change yet. Begin the preparation phase for a long, ongoing race. What in your overall environment, and way of thinking, needs to change to prepare for change? The answer to this question should include a list of action points. This is more profound than you think. Get everything ready, then, with God's help press. Run. Watch what He does!

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