Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Nothing Normal - Overhearing

Last week was not an average week in my journey. Anytime I can connect with Leadership Network in Dallas, I come away with change in my pocket. Anytime I can hang out with Neal, Chris, Bryan, Jay, Ryan, well . . . you have those kind of people, you know what I mean.

Environments. I believe leaders look for places not information. The vast majority of our learning and growth is informal. I overhear most of what I need. How did Jesus do it? As people did life with Him they overheard His everyday conversations.

Overhearing is safer. I don't have to admit I am struggling when I overhear something that helps me. I may act like I am not listening, but I am. So, if I am around the right people I can ask questions. I confess struggles. I overhear. Sounds like a win/win! For you Bible readers, check out Psalm chapter 1.

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