Monday, June 15, 2009

Monastic Retreats for Dummies IV - Like Water to Fish

So, enough suspense already (see Friday's cliff hanger). What kind of secret information was written on the tablets hidden within the chapel at Mepkin Abbey?

First let me give you the words of monastic hall of famer, Thomas Merton. I will tell you more about him later. His words were in a guest registry at the entrance of the chapel.

Let there always be quiet, dark churches in which people can take refuge . . . Houses of God, filled with His silent presence. There, even when they don't know how to pray at least they can be still and breath easily.

The subject of silence seems to twist and turn. What spiritual neurosis in me caused me to avoid the silence? What about the Bible? Real Christianity has lost a bit of its appeal in recent days. God tells us clearly through the Apostle Paul, "Be anxious for nothing," (Phil. 4.6). I end too many days with red hands from the consistent wringing and fretting.

Here is one quote on the easel, then I will begin to list the series of bullet points that I understood the most. You make application. I am in process.

Silence for a monk is like water to a fish.

Here are more random thoughts from the secret monastic locker room wall on the benefits of silence:

1. Sanctuary to receive God's word

2. Strengthen us in weakness

3. Openness to God

4. Settles me down

5. Leads to serenity

6. Gives reality and depth of God

7. Intimacy with Christ

8. Receive what God is offering in the moment

9. Fosters continual prayer

10. Keeps me aware of the needs of others.

More coming this week. This is not all that was on the sacred tablet at Mepkin Abbey. Let me know which one of these connect with you.

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