Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Movie Reviews - I Need to Get a Life!

Back off a blog vacation, and a record month of readers in June. One thing that happened in June for me: Movies! Do I need to get a life or what? My rating system has been influenced by Logan and Ridley's (long story, sorry for an insider reference) 0-5 church planter behaviorial rating system: 5 being the best movie in history; 4 being better than 80% of the movies, 3 - 60%; 2 - 40%; 1 - 20%;

1. Prince Caspian - In fear of sounding metrosexual I don't want to come right out and say this is not my kind of movie, uh, er, but . . . wait I am not supposed to say that. I like to step out of my genre in books, movies, restaurants etc. for the fun of it. So, I enjoyed the movie. Problem for me is, for the most part, you know how these deals will end. You are only there to see what it is going to look like and who might die (kind of like real life right?). I was not disappointed, I just needed more entertainment. My Assessment: 2.

2. Camp Rock - Some of the cheeziest dialogue in the history of movie making, particularly in the first 30 minutes, but I am good with the Jonas' phenom. The movie has good lessons about relationships, impressing the crowd, truthfulness, etc. Don't rush out to see this one, particularly if you don't have middle school kids. Don't worry, you will watch it. Big brother Disney will make you eventually. Although the music is not on par with High School Musical: My Assessment: 3 (due to strong character lessons).

3. The Bucket List - Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicolson are 2 of my favorite actors. Not predictable (real important to me). Almost cried at the end when Jack Nicolson kissed the most beautiful girl in the world and marked it off the list. I loved the movie. More cussin' however than a Baptist business meeting (both are rated PG-13) so I can't give it my full blessing. Sorry for being old school, but I do have a grief line on movie content that is important to me. There are some great moments though, including a couple if fascinating discussions about faith. My Assessment: 3.5 (some funny parts, strong lessons on making amends, living/dying, etc.).

4. Kung Fu Panda - What a great surprise! I do listen to the critics. I can't help it. Critics were giving this one a thumbs down. The lessons of persistence, courage, and determination were all there. Also, there was enough intensity to reel me in emotionally. That is another thing I want in a movie. If a movie does not take me to another place and time then I just wasted my time. This movie took me to another place, time, and culture. For horse racing fans I think that would be the trifecta, right? My Assessment: 4.o.

Columbia Today. Enjoying the most beautiful girls in the world, Summer travel, time at HQ, and teaching at Willow.

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