Monday, July 30, 2007

Random Thinking about Ears and Bad Change

One reason I believe Tommy (pastor of Briarlake in Decatur, Ga. see yesterday) is so effective in relationships with the "up and ups" is because of the way he listens. Tommy's mind is like no one I have ever met (except Eric Geiger Tommy has a genuine curiosity about him. He is thirsty for information. He fires questions at lightning speed and actually listens to your answers. Then he piggy backs with questions to clarify your answers. At times it make me tired, most of the time it makes me feel important. To have someone who listens to you is a rare gift. As we interface with all types of people far from God, could it be possible that how will listen could be as important than what we say? Do we always have to talk so much to be heard?

At NAMB (North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention - agency that resources missions in North America) summer leadership meetings in ATL as we speak. Night one was solid. Frank Page (current President of the Southern Baptist Convention) is a breath of fresh air. He does not seem to be reading off scripts handed to him. I am anxious to see where this NAMB ship is sailing. Stay tuned.

I ranted a great deal about the denomination being in trouble, blah, blah, blah, on my last blog. Here is something positive about SBC life. Change. Change is good. Sometimes our God-given delivery systems called denominations get so out of touch that even bad change is good. Change makes me raise my game to another level. New people are watching and asking new questions. Change makes me re-evaluate my future. Do any of us in denominational life need to let ourselves get entrenched? Secure? Change paves the way for more change.

Can't wait to leave ATL! Heading to Hilton Head to celebrate 25 years of marriage with the lovely Ms. Yvette. She is awesome. Sweet and Loyal. More about her later. Yee Haw!!

1 comment:

Gary Sweeten said...

Hey, Dino, I have not been in the Southern Baptist fold since they gave me the "left foot of fellowship" way back in 1969. That means you need to write with something other than alphabet soup. I know not what NAMB is nor other initials of the inner circle. You sure can't witness to folks if you speak exclusive an language.

Nor do I know who a person is simply by seeing their name. Tell me more explicitly who he isand what he said that was a breath of fresh air. Help me...