Wednesday, October 1, 2008

201st Place in the Lake Murray 10K! Front Runners

Nice run on Saturday. I am not a runner yet. I am a person who runs to try to beat the chubby monster. I have made this point before. Some of you may feel it is humanistic - get over it!

No question the really fast runners (let's say the top 50) make me a little uncomfortable. The 40 year old and above guys (69 of those beat me including a 72 year old man named Henry) particularly make me wonder about my commitment. I still don't like it when my legs hurt really bad and I struggle to breathe. Getting up at stupid o'clock in the morning to dodge cars before daylight does not necessarily ring my bell either.

The front runners do have a purpose. They exist to make me ask myself the question: Am I really doing my best? Sometimes, however, the front runners can discourage me. Front runners can overwhelm me. But, I can't let them excuse me from the table. In most cases, they will always be there, smiling, and waving their trophies.

I don't resent the front runners. In fact, I admire them. They will always remind me I have another level to go. But my target must be my next level. I ran 6.2 miles in 55.36. The winner (a 40 year old, Eric) finished in 31.42. If my goal is to beat Eric, I quit. If my goal is to beat Dino, that is worth getting out of bed for!


Cliff Marshall said...

Good stuff Dino. Just what I needed to hear today.

Cliff Marshall said...

Good stuff Dino. Just what I needed to read this morning.

Sid said...

Well done ! That is just the whole purpose for us "laggers" behind the front runners. Just keep on getting up @ "stupid o'clock" & getting a jump on everyone !

Sid said...

Well Done ! Keep on getting up @ "stupid o'clock" & chasing the one in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Good post, Dino! Keep going for it!The next goal is to beat your PR. You'll do it with this approach, I think!

Anonymous said...

your the man dude...for real. My hero!

Mark B. said...

That's not too shabby a time for a 10k! Ok you are not setting any speed records, but you are in better shape than probably 90% of americans. Most people can't even run 10 kms, let alone do it in less than 1 hour.