Thursday, April 8, 2010

Enjoying the Failure of Others - Tiger Woods

Feels funny doesn't it? To admit we enjoy it when the lives of other people, like Tiger, blow up is a needed confession. We need to be more self-aware. And notice how much more we enjoy it when people not like us are exposed. Rich people, other races and cultures, talented people . . . As we enjoy the failure of others in a strange way we feel superior.

We feel superior because we need to . . . that is the bottom line. We have to get self-worth from somewhere, right? We have to get some reassurance that in spite of our hollowness there is something right about us. Please, dear God, there is something right about us . . . right, please?

People do crazy things. I am not talking about skydiving here either. People make stupid choices. If you really tried to find out what they (we) were thinking you would discover the problem. They probably were not thinking. Tiger lived a double life for who knows how many years. There are a lot of people hoping he fails this weekend in Augusta. Others hope he fails at life. I don't.

Is Tiger on the road to recovery? Who knows? Am I? That is the most responsible question that I can consider today. Maybe you too. Go Tiger.

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