Monday, September 21, 2009

White Knuckle Drunk - Observations from "The Swamp"

If you have any connection with the recovery community you probably have already heard the expression, "the white-knuckled drunk." I spent almost ten years in New Orleans deeply involved in the recovery community. I learned so much -- I need to put more of it in print.

I wondered, as I Twittered and Facebooked through "The Swamp" with my great friend Manley, if there was anyway I could connect sports with life. I understand that most of you don't quite have the "football love" that some of my friends and I do. BTW, for you, "The Swamp" is the home field of the Florida Gators. Florida's football success over the past four years may place them as the greatest college football team in history, or at least in the top five.

I went for friendship and the experience -- my team, the Tennessee Vols, were expected to be slaughtered by the powerful Gators. Long story short -- it did not happen as the whole world, including me, expected. The Gators won, but not by so much. But, unlike most Vol fans, I was not as inspired by the heart, courage, and resilience of my team. Don't get me wrong, those traits were all there and deserve a smattering of applause. I was proud.

The bottom line is to win. As optimistic fans we can always talk about being "on the verge," effort, and moral victories. I was there, I sat closer to the action than any other live college, pro, or high school game in my life. The Vols were much closer to being embarrassed like everyone predicted than winning. One more "no fumble" yard by Tim Tebow and the route would have been on. My team was battling way too hard not to come closer to win. The Vols will lose again this season. At least 5 more times -- probably more. Way too many white knuckles on the Big Orange sidelines. Way too many white knuckles on the field.

Now, the bridge -- My concern in The Swamp about my team, is my concern about me at times, and you. My team was working way too hard not to get better results. If there is not more than your best effort pushing you forward, although you may be coming close, you will collapse before you will ever win.

Hopefully, some personal application is coming to view for you here -- I want to think about it more before I try to be profound. I walked away more bothered than encouraged Saturday. But, the greater point -- I may be wrong about Vol football (I hope so) but I don't think I am wrong about life. My best effort alone at being smarter, better at relationships, more moral, more loving, less dysfunctional -- will only leave me with white knuckles and an eventual collapse. I need outside help. Let's talk more about that this week.


mike watson said...

the thought of white kunckles is as true as the blood in my veins. your toghts are profound, I miss ya my brother!

Blacksburg Drama said...

As a direct result of my youthful visits to the swamp as a lifelong Seminole, I must say you threw me on where the article was going. I figured you sat near the people I often found myself surrounded by. White knuckle drunk...and beyond obnoxious.

Manley said...

And I thought we were just watching a ball game. Leave it to Dino to come up with a sermon. You're the greatest, man........lot to make us think about. As always you make me think and constantly amaze me with your insight and thoughts. Love ya, Bro!!

CRJ/DJS said...

Curve balls are good. Actually the people that sat around me were pretty solid. They were frustrated Gator-Vampires. But as a fan, I can understand. There are those games where nothing will satisfy except hanging 60 or 70 on somebody.