Tuesday, January 20, 2009

As Good As it Gets

My friends in Wisconsin and Ohio will get a giggle out of all this. We had a blizzard in S.C. last night. Less than 1/2 inch of snow fell. But . . . Anna and Abby had as much fun in less than 1/2 inch, as your kids have in a foot. I am not suggesting all things are relative. But maybe in some things, like snow, I am suggesting just that.

Heard three mission trip reports yesterday at Headquarters. Besides the great passion I felt from the leaders who went, I noticed that what makes someone happy in the jungles of Peru and in India is totally different than what makes people happy in West Columbia, S.C.

From the political front, Christians have a reputation for giving the glass is half empty spin on everything. Barack Obama is a win on two fronts. First, the involvement of the next generation in the political process is in a historic shift. Second, is the need to see people of different racial/ethnic backgrounds followed and trusted as leaders. The most under appreciated resource in grass roots America is Latino, Asian, and African background people. When they lead, we mistrust them, and seldom follow them like we would a white guy. We also pat ourselves on the back when we give them the smallest responsibilities. They know that, btw. MLK's dream is yet to be reality, but we are closer than ever.

My politics are different than Obama's. His politics scare me. Yet, so did John McCain's. Politics scare me. For the most part, with the exception of Mike Huckabee, they all were reading off of "get me elected" scripts.

Truth is local communities of people who profess to be Christ followers are responsible for becoming the change we wish to see. Not President Obama. Not Oprah. Not John McCain. No matter what your politics look like, President Barack Obama is as good as it gets. Let's pray for him and let him lead.